Wednesday, October 28, 2009

October 2009 Post: Parents of Underrepresented Populations

What kind of programming do you offer, of have you considered offering, for parents of underrepresented populations?

This question was posed by a member of our KC and has the potential for great discussion. At her institution, there is the concern that parents, who for whatever reason might not have been able to, or understood the importance of, attending summer registration/orientation sessions, or whose knowledge of their student’s college experience is limited, would benefit from some kind of introductory session facilitated by the parent office.

The goal is two-fold. First, introduce the families to our office, services and resources; and secondly, increase the likelihood that they will participate in our programs and events and maybe even volunteer to help with those events. Ultimately, we would love to see more of these families represented on the parent board, as well.

Please share your experiences and feel free to pose follow-up questions!