Monday, April 26, 2010

Resources for and from parent and family members

As you prepare for incoming parent and family members the following resources might be helpful:

1. The Department of Education offers advice for parents as their children head off to college. More information can be found on:

2. The College Parents of America website offers information for parents to prepare their children for college. More information can be found at:

3. suggests 4 books that are "must haves" for parents. More information can be found on the following website:

Next month, we will also be introducing a blog from a current parent. The blog will include advice, humorous stories, and general thoughts about college life from the perspective of a parent.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

October 2009 Post: Parents of Underrepresented Populations

What kind of programming do you offer, of have you considered offering, for parents of underrepresented populations?

This question was posed by a member of our KC and has the potential for great discussion. At her institution, there is the concern that parents, who for whatever reason might not have been able to, or understood the importance of, attending summer registration/orientation sessions, or whose knowledge of their student’s college experience is limited, would benefit from some kind of introductory session facilitated by the parent office.

The goal is two-fold. First, introduce the families to our office, services and resources; and secondly, increase the likelihood that they will participate in our programs and events and maybe even volunteer to help with those events. Ultimately, we would love to see more of these families represented on the parent board, as well.

Please share your experiences and feel free to pose follow-up questions!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

June 2009 Post: The Economy and it's Affect on College Students/Parents

We are all aware of the economic uncertainty many families now face, specifically families with one or more college students.

What are you hearing from students and parents on your respective campuses?

How will this affect the message you deliver to parents, activities you plan?

Please share experiences or post questions of your own. This is a timely topic and we can certainly learn from one another.

Friday, September 26, 2008

September/October 2008 Parent KC Post

This posting focuses on reviewing a recent NASPA Journal article concerning if parenting is one of the predictors of academic-related stress in college students. To participate, log on to the NASPA Journal site and review NASPA Journal, 2007, Vol. 44, no. 3.

The article was written by Tara Smith is a graduate student at the University of Central Florida in Orlando,FL. and Kimberly Renk is an associate professor at the University of Central Florida.

The title of the article is:
Predictors of Academic-Related Stress in College Students: An Examination of Coping, Social Support, Parenting, and Anxiety

The abstract is: This study examined potential predictors of the academicrelated stress experienced by college students. In particular,the relationships among the coping strategies used by
college students, social support, the parenting style used by
college students’ mothers and fathers, college students’ experience of anxiety, and academic-related stress were examined. Ninety-three undergraduate students enrolled in a psychology course at a large southeastern university completed a series of self-report questionnaires that measured the variables under study. Results suggested that anxiety, problem-focused coping, and support from significant others may serve as potentially important predictors of the academic-related stress experienced by college students. Thus, identifying college students’ experience with these variables and addressing these variables in practical settings may help college students alleviate their experience of academic-related stress and have a less stressful, and possibly more fulfilling, college career.

When you complete the reading, be sure to write your thoughts and comments so your colleagues can respond.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

July 2008 post - Parenting styles and their influence on student coping skills

Dear NASPA Parent KC Members,

As we find ourselves half way through the summer and in the midst of administering or planning new student programs, we may not have time to think about how parenting styles influence students academic stress levels. Nonetheless, a NASPA Journal article by Tara Smith and Kimberly Renk (NASPA Journal, 2007, Vol. 44, no. 3) explores this topic. We invite you to take time to read the article to find out how the variables of coping, social support, parenting and anxiety intermix and post your thoughts on the KC blog.

Friday, June 6, 2008

June Post: Positive outcomes associated with Helicopter Parents

Many of us are in the midst of welcoming new families to our respective campuses. During this time, much of our energy is geared toward helping not only students but many parents and family members also understand campus culture, expectations, and traditions. As we continue to work with parents, it is helpful to know that recent research has suggested high levels of parental involvement correlates with students having positive college experiences.

Visit the College Board's webpage to learn more as well as the benefits of parental involvement and a discussion about keeping a healthy balance. The webpage also includes a quiz for parents to assess their level of involvement.

This information might be helpful to use as you help parents and family members create positive relationships with their college students and the campus community.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

May Post: Summer Activities for Parents -- Orientation, etc.

As the semester winds down and we say goodbye to some of our students, most of us are also gearing up to welcome new students and families to campus!

Some institutions offer a separate “parent track” at summer orientation, and others choose to keep students and parents together for certain sessions.

What specific orientation programs/sessions have been successful at your institution?
Are there some that were unsuccessful?
Are there other summer activities planned to incorporate parents and families into your campus community? Specific mailings, intentional contacts or events?